Please share your gifts with St. Emile Parish by volunteering your time and talents. The following volunteers are always needed:
If you are able to help out in these or any other capacity, please email the office at [email protected] or call 204-253-4176.
The St. Emile Parish Pastoral Council (PPC) is a consultative body which assists and advises the pastor. It is the main body for lay leadership in the pastoral life of our parish. It exists to foster pastoral activity which is in accord with and expresses the mission of the parish. It aims to engage and enable the whole parish community for fuller participation in the mission of the parish. The PPC maintains good communication between all other parish groups.
"Together we strive to live out the full mission of the Church sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ and building up his reign of justice, mercy, love and peace. In all of this, it is increasingly clear that in a parish, the two key sources and prime movers of all this are the Pastors, Parish Life Directors and the Parish Pastoral Council (surrounded and carried by all the faithful)."
-- Archbishop Albert LeGatt --
Pastor: Fr. Vincent P.C. Lusty
Deacon: Deacon Gilles Urquhart
Chairperson: Jackie Kohut [email protected]
Vice-chairperson: Claudette Dorge
Secretary: Kingsley Ibemgbo1) Outreach and Social Justice
a. Ministry of Care: Geraldine Wilkinson
b. Assisting Grieving Families Ministry: Vacant
c. Food Bank/Funeral: Rollande Flockton
2) Hospitality (Christy Nnadi)
a. Socials committee: Vacant
b. Sunday Coffee Hospitality: Christy Nnadi
3) Faith & Spiritual Growth Ministry
a. Faith and Spiritual Growth: Bonnie Cornwell
b. Men’s Faith Sharing Group: Gilbert Vielfaure
c. Marriage, Family and Life (MFL), Fenand/Rhoda Tumambing (M), Lilibeth Cruz (F), Vacant (L)
d. Youth: Brianne Therrien Vielfaure & Katrie Therrien Vielfaure
5) Religious Education Ministry (Anisha Khokhar- Coordinator)
a. Catechism: Anisha Khokhar
b. Sacramental Preparations: Jackie Kohut
i) Baptismal Preparation
ii) First Reconciliation
iii) First Holy Communion
iv) Confirmation
c. RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults): Deacon Gilles Urquhart
6) Liturgical Ministry
a. Liturgical Ministry (Lectors and Extraordinary Ministers of Eucharist): Zorina Marzan Chang
b. Liturgical Hosting Ministry (Greeters/Collection/Gifts): Zorina Marzan Chang (Interim)
c. Ministry of Altar Servers: Tina Eruja
d. Music Ministry: Darren Witzany
e. Sacristy Ministry: Tina Eruja
f. Liturgical Art: Vacant
Couples for Christ: Lilibeth Cruz
Knights of Columbus: Nae Narine, Grand Knight
Legion of Mary: Liberty Bulalhog
The Light of Jesus Community Winnipeg: Jose Raoul (Jet) Agriam
Syro-Malabar Liaison: Fr. Aji Devasia
Finance/Administration Committee: Chairperson: Charina Umagat
Pastor: Fr. Vincent P.C. Lusty
Chairperson: Charina Umagat
Secretary: Claudette Dorge
Facilities/Hall Rentals: Gisèle Balcaen
St. Emile School Liaison: Sylvester Oyamienlen
Office Administrator: Roxanne Couture-Michaud
Maintenance: Ed Lazarko
Members: Mayra Alejo, Bob Rezansoff
Updated 10 March 2023